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audio software
audio software
audio software

How do I get started?

Fill out the information on our Contact page.  Tell us a little about your project including what you would like done to the audio.

What do I need to give you?

We need a digtal copy of the file.  We can work with most audio formats and can also extract audio from most video formats.  If you are digitizing material from an analog source, please save the audio in a non-compressed format (.wav or .aiff) as 16 or 24-bit and 44.1 kHz or higher sample rate.

How do I send the files to you?

Files can be uploaded to an online file sharing site.  In the case of extremely large files, arrangements can be made if you prefer to send us a storage device such as a flash drive or external hard drive.  Before sending us any physical media, PLEASE make a backup of your files first!  Computer data is never really safe unless it exists in two or three separate locations.

What should I expect from you?

We will send you a short clip of your audio with processing applied and a quote for how much the job will cost.  We charge $60 per hour and most jobs take between 30 minutes and two hours.  After getting your approval, we will give you a approximate completion date.

How do I pay?

Paypal or Venmo is preferred.  We can also bill.  Payment is due upon completion and delivery of processed files.

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